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Figure 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 4

From: Structural and evolutionary bioinformatics of the SPOUT superfamily of methyltransferases

Figure 4

Two-dimensional projection of the CLANS clustering results obtained for the full-length SPOUT sequences. Proteins are indicated by dots, colored according to the membership in different families (COGs). Lines indicate sequence similarity detectable with BLAST and are colored by a spectrum of shades of grey according to the BLAST P-value (black: P-value < 10-200, light grey: P-value < 10-5). Significant differences in the size of families could distort the results of clustering. Thus, for all families of size >50 we used the PURGE option of the Gibbs motif sampler [84] to identify 50 representative sequences with the maximal sequence divergence. However, the results of CLANS analyses for this 'representative' set of SPOUT members were very similar to those obtained for the full dataset (data not shown).

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