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Table 1 Concluding remarks from PURE server based on various outputs

From: PURE: A webserver for the prediction of domains in unassigned regions in proteins


Output details

Concluding remarks


Output Files : Globplot, Disopred2 and Pepcoils or Globplot, Disopred2 and Tmap or Globplot,, Disopred2, Pepcoils and Tmap.

Query sequence is divided into sequence segments based on Pepcoils and Tmap output. After excluding the sequence portions encoded by transmembrane and coiled-coils, the unassigned region could be associated with coiled coils or TM helices and the rest of the unassigned regions are insignificantly small and therefore structure association terminates.


Output Files : Pepcoils, Tmap and psipred

psipred results suggest very little secondary structure, therefore the unassigned region is to be viewed as unstructured and procedure terminates.


Output Files : Pepcoils, Tmap, psipred and PSI-LAST hits (less homologues)

PSIBLAST did not provide enough homologues and terminates. Here, the user could relax thresholds or choose a different database and retry. If there is enough secondary structural content, this unassigned region could be a potential new domain that is somewhat species-specific and hence not evolutionarily conserved.


Output files: Pepcoils, Tmap, psipred, PSI-BLAST and Hmmpfam out put (no hits in Hmmpfam search)

The indirect HMM runs and the consensus did not yield any hit to a Pfam domain. The user can relax cd-hit and get more homologues included in the search or relax the HMM threshold and retry. Or else, if there is enough predicted secondary structural content and the unassigned region is evolutionarily conserved, this could point to a potential new and novel domain.


Output files: Pepcoils, Tmap, psipred, PSI-BLAST and Hmmpfam out put (hits in Hmmpfam search with partial domain assignment)

The indirect HMM runs point to partial assignment to a pre-existing Pfam domain family. This could be due to suboptimal or spurious alignment or point to the presence of discontinuous domains in the query.


Output files: Pepcoils, Tmap, psipred, PSI-BLAST and Hmmpfam out put (hits in Hmmpfam search with complete domain assignment)

The indirect HMM runs point to assignment to a pre-existing Pfam domain family through one or more homologues. This could be due to distant relationships where the homologues act as intermediates or due to borderline E-values. New connection to an old domain!


Output files: Pepcoils, Tmap, psipred, PSI-BLAST and Hmmpfam out put (hits in Hmmpfam search against UR itself)

Direct HMM assignment to a pre-existing Pfam family. This could be due to newer Pfam domain entries or slight differences in thresholds to E-values. Connection to a fairly new domain.