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Archived Comments for: A machine learning approach to explore the spectra intensity pattern of peptides using tandem mass spectrometry data

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  1. On peptide intensities

    Morgan Giddings, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    21 August 2008

    I applaud the authors for their thorough analysis of the chemical basis for peptide signal intensity. The study of the causes for peptide intensity variation is critical towards improvement of protein identification algorithms.

    However, I would like to point out the missing citation of a closely related prior work by my group:

    Yang D, Ramkissoon K, Hamlett E, Giddings MC. J Proteome Res. 2008 Jan;7(1):62-9

    In that work, we demonstrated that peptide intensity is information rich, and can be used for significant accuracy improvement of protein identification (without MS/MS data). We have continued that work and will be publishing further results soon.

    We believe the authors are on the right track to use peptide intensity data - it has been neglected for too long, and may bring big improvements to protein recognition. We just hope the authors will give appropriate acknowledgment of others who have also published in this area.

    Competing interests

    We published a similar work, and are potential competitors for future work in this area.
