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Table 1 Numbers of ortholog shared by human and five model organisms

From: Ortholog-based protein-protein interaction prediction and its application to inter-species interactions

Species (Taxonomy ID)a

Number of Genes with Orthologs

Number of Shared Orthologs Groupsb


H. sapiens

M. musculus

R. norvegicus

D. melanogaster

C. elegans

S. cerevisiae

H. sapiens (9606)

19 491

19 491 (100%)

16 330 (83.78%)

15 116 (77.55%)

5039 (25.82%)

3951 (20.27%)

1593 (8.17%)

M. musculus (10090)

19 142

16 330 (85.31%)

19 142 (100%)

16 674 (87.11%)

4990 (26.07%)

3942 (20.59%)

1607 (8.39%)

R. norvegicus (10116)

17 766

15 116 (85.08%)

16 674 (93.85%)

17 766 (100%)

4662 (26.24%)

3711 (20.89%)

1509 (8.49%)

D. melanogaster (7227)


5039 (64.65%)

4990 (64.02%)

4662 (59.82%)

7794 (100%)

3377 (43.33%)

1344 (17.24%)

C. elegans (6239)


3951 (79.48%)

3942 (79.30%)

3711 (74.65)

3377 (67.93%)

4971 (100%)

1189 (23.92%)

S. cerevisiae (4932)


1593 (34.71%)

1607 (35.01%)

1509 (32.88%)

1344 (29.29%)

1189 (25.91%)

4589 (100%)

  1. aThese species are ranked by the number of genes with ortholog information available.
  2. bThe percentage below the number of ortholog refers to the coverage on the species given in the left most column.