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Table 14 Summary of base features

From: A meta-learning approach for B-cell conformational epitope prediction

Base feature



Propensity score

The propensity score is derived from a scoring function that sums the log-odd ratios of the amino acids in the spatial neighborhood (defined in [9]) around each residue in a given protein.


Residue accessibility

Using NACCESS to calculate the accessibilities of the whole molecule submitted in a pdb file. NACCESS calculates the atomic accessible surface defined by rolling a probe around a van der Waals surface. The residue accessibilities are categorized into 4 classes: all-polar, nonpolar, total-side, and main-chain.


Secondary structure

Secondary structure refers to highly regular local sub-structures defined by patterns of hydrogen bonds between the main-chain peptide groups.


In such cases, the chain of amino acids folds into regular repeating structures, such as α helix, β structure, and coil.

Accessible surface area

Calculated using Gerstein et al.’s calc-surface program to measure the accessible surface area of a sphere, on each point of which the center of a solvent molecule can be placed in contact with this atom without penetrating any other atoms of the molecule.


Atom volume

Calculated using Gerstein et al.’s calc-volume program. It calculates volumes by applying a geometric construction called Voronoi polyhedra to divide the total volume among the atoms in a protein model.


B factor

The B factor is also known as the Debye-Waller factor or the temperature factor. It is used to describe the attenuation of x-ray scattering or coherent neutron scattering caused by thermal motion. Two B factors of a protein were considered in this study: the B factor of side chain and the B factor of main chain.


Solvent excluded surface

Calculated using Sanner et al.’s MSMS program, which builds the solvent excluded surface based on the reduced surface.


Solvent accessible surface

Calculated using Sanner et al.’s MSMS program, which builds the solvent accessible surface based on the reduced surface.



Using PSI-BLAST to search the non-redundant protein database, and derive the information content from a position specific scoring matrix as the base feature.


Side chain polarity

The 20 amino acids were divided into four categories: polar, nonpolar, acidic polar, and basic polar.


Hydropathy index

Kyte and Doolittle devised the hydopathy index by applying a sliding-window strategy that continuously determined the average hydopathy in a window as it advanced through the sequence.


Antigenic propensity

Kolaskar and Tongaonkar analyzed 156 antigenic determinants (<20 residues per determinant) in 34 different proteins to obtain the antigenic propensities of amino acid residues.



Karplus and Schulz developed the flexibility scale based on the mobility of the protein segments on 31 proteins with known structures.


Hydrophilic scale

Parker et al. developed the hydrophilic scale based on the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) peptide retention data.
