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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: Exploring possible DNA structures in real-time polymerase kinetics using Pacific Biosciences sequencer data

Figure 1

Correlations between wavelet coefficients. The Pearson’s correlation between all of the wavelet coefficients are shown for scales from 2 nucleotides to 2046 nucleotides. Red indicates a positive correlation, blue a negative correlation. The correlations between detail coefficients are on the bottom, and the correlations between smooth coefficients are on the top. The power for the detail coefficients is in the diagonal, indicating the relative variation at the different scales. The most easily interpreted results are on the top row, in which correlations shown here are similar to correlations between densities in a sliding window. The frequency of each base in these reads is 25%. Only reads longer than 1,000 nucleotides were used to avoid complications caused by boundaries between reads. A total of 223 nucleotides were examined (approximately 8.4 million nucleotides).

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