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Fig. 6 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 6

From: Automatic detection of diffusion modes within biological membranes using back-propagation neural network

Fig. 6

Single molecule tracking of the tetraspanin CD9 in HeLa cells. The (a) panel is a DIC image of a single HeLa cell and the red lines represents some recorded trajectories of single molecules (the scale bar is 5 μm). The lower panel (b) represents the scatter plots of CD9 apparent diffusion coefficients calculated from the MSD analysis of 1000 trajectories in HeLa cells. Each point represents one trajectory and the diffusion behavior, which has been determined using the BPNN neural network, is indicated with a color code (red, Confined named (c) green, Brownian named (b) blue, mixed named M). The upper scatter plot corresponds to the totality of the trajectories (named all). Panel (c) shows the confinement diameter calculated from the confinement segments identified using BPNN for confined and mixed trajectories

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