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Table 1 Example of history tracking for a custom made quantitation plugin. In the line 1 an object of DataCarrier class is created. In the line 2 the action keyword is obtained from the plugin property text file and set into the variable action. In the line 3 and 4 parameters (in this case metabolite basis set and parameter file) are set with a brief description. Line 5 enables the quantitation flag (in case of other types of plugins this line should be omitted). Finally the line 6 sends the recently created object to the database. The rest of the process is done in the background and the plug-in programmer does need to care about it

From: Processing tracking in jMRUI software for magnetic resonance spectra quantitation reproducibility assurance

DataCarrier d1 = new DataCarrier();




d1.addParam(new File(metaboliteBasisSetFile), "Metabolite list file = ?");


d1.addParam(new File(paramFile), "Overall phases file = ?");



