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Fig. 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 1

From: Explorative visual analytics on interval-based genomic data and their metadata

Fig. 1

Importing data and building genometric space. A sample is represented with two files: data and metadata. To enable exploring samples using both quantitative and descriptive aspects, GeMSE loads both files. The flowchart shows the flow of loading the files. Panel A shows an example of data (in CSV/BED and GTF format), and metadata of a sample. Panel B depicts an example of mapping heterogeneous samples using a reference sample (multiple values are aggregated using average function). Panel C illustrates a genometric space, and how data are organized to form it. Columns (samples) and rows (regions) have column and row IDs which are respectively sample and regions IDs in parsed data. The IDs are hidden to the user, and are used to label columns and rows with any attribute that the user chooses (e.g., the treatment and feature name attributes for labeling columns and rows respectively)

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