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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: Spatial registration of neuron morphologies based on maximization of volume overlap

Fig. 2

Examples of pairwise co-registration of morphologies using Reg-MaxS. Results of pairwise co-registration of a morphology (green) and three versions of it (blue, magenta and red) transformed by random translations, rotations and scaling. In each example, Reg-MaxS was applied to co-register a transformed morphology to the reference. a Distribution of corresponding point pairs distances between the resulting morphologies and the reference. Box plots extend between first and third quartiles with the median indicated by a black line while whiskers indicate the extrema. The red dashed line indicates the smallest voxel size used for the co-registrations. The Y-axis has been scaled to focus on distances in the range zero to the lowest voxel size, which indicate good registration performance. Asterisk indicates whether corresponding point pairs were significantly closer than the smallest voxel size used according to Signs test at 1% significance level. b The morphologies before and after co-registration. Reg-MaxS was successful in removing the transformation differences between the morphologies for Example1 and Example2 as shown by distribution of distances in (a) and close alignment in (b, “After”). For Example 3, which showed a high degree of anisotropic scaling (MAS=0.37), some scaling differences remained

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