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Table 2 Amplicon Filter Module parameter descriptions and considerations

From: Variant site strain typer (VaST): efficient strain typing using a minimal number of variant genomic sites




Strict mode

VaST ignores missing or ambiguous data in input matrix

Speeds up preprocessing but some sites are lost

Window size

Maximum distance between adjacent sites that can be combined into a single amplicon

The desired amplicon length should be considered when setting the window size. A larger window may increase the number of variant sites that are included in the amplicons making them more efficient

Primer zone size

Size of the region upstream and downstream of the target to evaluate in the amplicon filter

The primer zones begin immediately before the first and immediately after the last target site in the window, so the maximum amplicon size is 2 × primer zone size + window size. A smaller primer zone may limit the number of primer options.

Strain Cutoff

The number of strains at a primer zone site that can have a non-conserved call before the site is flagged.

A strain cutoff greater than one will not guarantee that the primer zone sequences are conserved across all of the strains but it may be appropriate in cases where one or a few strains have low sequence coverage

Primer zone filter percent

The percent of primer zone positions that must be present in un-flagged segments of the primer zone that are longer than the primer zone filter length.

A higher primer zone filter percent will increase the total number of primer options in amplicons that pass the filter

Primer zone filter length

The length of un-flagged primer zone segments that count toward the primer zone filter percent

The primer zone filter length should be at least as long as the minimum acceptable primer length to ensure that conserved primers can be found within the primer zone