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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: LimeSeg: a coarse-grained lipid membrane simulation for 3D image segmentation

Fig. 2

Point cloud mechanics characterization. a - Behavior of surfels network with fixed d0 as a function of fpressure when it encounters a circular hole of radius rhole. In the blue region, the surfel mesh does not cross the hole. In the yellow region the surfel mesh flows through the hole. A 1/r dotted line approximates the frontier between these regions. b - Image noise segmentation benchmark, see text for details. Left: equatorial plane of sphere image with various noises and resulting segmentation. Right: Segmentation score (i.e. root mean square of surfel distance to the target sphere in pixel) as a function as noise and fpressure, all other parameters are unchanged. c - Surface fusion test. The initial state consists of a spherical seed inside a torus. After several iterations, the shape of the segmentation surface successfully merges with itself (fpressure>0). d - Surface fission test. The initial state consists of a spherical seed surrounding two spherical objects. The segmentation surface successfully splits during the course of the segmentation (fpressure<0)

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