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Fig. 7 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 7

From: Helitron distribution in Brassicaceae and whole Genome Helitron density as a character for distinguishing plant species

Fig. 7

Helitron inserted LOCs diversity and geographical distribution of 18 A. thaliana ecotypes. a Helitron inserted LOCs diversity heatmap and cluster tree, red or blue means that the LOC has a Helitron insertion or not. Left cluster tree is mainly in three groups (yellow, green and red). b Geographical distribution of 18 A. thaliana ecotypes painted by rworldmap. Country boundaries are derived from version 1.4.0 of Natural Earth data 1:110 m data ( The number marks are Helitron density ranking and predicted Helitron numbers. Yellow, green and red points are three clustered groups. c Heatmap of 13 paired rules of Helitron LOCs that associated with flowering-time types

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