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Fig. 9 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 9

From: iMAP: an integrated bioinformatics and visualization pipeline for microbiome data analysis

Fig. 9

Species richness and diversity. The species richness and diversity values are displayed using line plots (left panel), the scatter diagrams with correlation coefficients (middle panel), and the jittered notched boxplots (right panel). The observed species richness (a, b, c) and the estimated species richness (d, e, f) show similar pattern. The inverse Simpson diversity index (g, h, i) and the Shannon diversity index (j, k, l) are plotted against the species richness. Both indices show similar pattern in estimating number of observed species in a sample. The Phylogenetic diversity index (m, n, o) shows a better direct proportion with the species richness. The figure clearly reveals the differences observed in species abundances when comparing the main experimental variables including sex (orange) and time post weaning (green)

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