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Table 2 MiniScrub improves read error correction in the metagenome setting

From: De novo Nanopore read quality improvement using deep learning


No scrubbing

With scrubbing

Avg. coverage pct.



Avg. mean coverage depth



Pct. of genomes above 1.0 coverage depth



  1. Reads from the high complexity (HC) dataset [31], both with and without scrubbing beforehand, were corrected using Canu’s [19] error correction module and then aligned to their reference genomes with GraphMap [26]. The statistics in the table are averages across all source genomes that had non-zero coverage. Applying scrubbing before read error correction improves average coverage percentage and the average mean coverage depth across the source genomes, and leads to a larger number of source genomes having a mean coverage depth of at least 1.0 Best performance numbers are shown in bold