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Fig. 16 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 16

From: DeepCryoPicker: fully automated deep neural network for single protein particle picking in cryo-EM

Fig. 16

Fully automated good top and side-View (square and circular) training particles-selection using AutoCryoPicker [24] approach and KLH dataset [26]. a, d The Ground truth (particles manually labeled) for the different cryo-EM images from the KLH dataset [26]. b, e Side-view particles-selection results using AutoCryoPicker based IBC algorithm [24] and perfect side-view (square) particles-selection algorithm. c, f Top-view particles-selection results using a modified CHT algorithm [24] (the red ‘ + ’ sign is the center of each particle, and blue circles around each particle are the radius of each particle by the blue circle around each particle

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