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Table 5 The top 10 genes selected via TGLRR on PAAD-ESCA-HNSC

From: A truncated nuclear norm and graph-Laplacian regularized low-rank representation method for tumor clustering and gene selection

Gene ED

Relevance score

Related diseases

Coded proteins


101.03, 96.95, 124.3, 107.43

Gastric, breast, colorectal, thyroid and ovarian cancer

Cadherin superfamily


73.21, 44.14, 76.66, 64.67

Camurati-Engelmann disease, Encephalopathy, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Immunodeficiency

Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Superfamily of Proteins


27.63, 11.33, 41.36, 26.77

Mucocutaneous Ulceration, Chronic and Ependymoma

Transcription Factor


26.80, 10.31, 42.30, 26.47

Pregnancy Loss, Recurrent 3 and Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Calcium-Dependent Phospholipid Binding Proteins


27.48, 11.81, 31.46, 23.58

Adenocarcinoma and Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma

Rho Family of Small GTPases


13.04, 13.56, 43.23, 23.28

Noonan Syndrome 1 and Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia

Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase


20.94, 19.40, 24.80, 21.71

Macular Dystrophy, Patterned, 2 and Butterfly-Shaped Pigment Dystrophy

Cell Adhesion Process Protein


13.40, 19.07, 25.26, 19.24

Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Inclusion-Cell Disease

Receptor for Both Insulin-Like Growth Factor 2 and Mannose 6-Phosphate


10.85, 12.97, 25.61, 16.48

Platelet Disorder, Familial, with Associated Myeloid Malignancy, leukemia and Isolated Delta-Storage Pool Disease

Transcription Factor


12.55, 9.19, 27.33, 16.36

Ewing Sarcoma and Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor

Multifunctional Protein

  1. Take the contents in the second column of the second row as an example, the first, second and third numeral are the relevance score of CDH1 gene to PAAD, ESCA and HNSC, respectively, and the fourth is the mean