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Fig. 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 4

From: ScreenGarden: a shinyR application for fast and easy analysis of plate-based high-throughput screens

Fig. 4

Quality control of plate-based screens using ScreenGarden. Using the ‘Plots’ tab, users can upload.csv files downloaded from ‘ClaculateLGRs’ or ‘Combine2Controls’ and plot any column against each other. For quality control, mean LGRs were plotted against plate (A), row (B) and column (C) number. D Histogram showing the distribution of data. The majority of LGRs are distributed close to zero. The red dashed line highlights a LGR of 0.04. E Negative max lnQ values were plotted against mean LGRs to identify replicate inconsitencies in the Dad2 Synthetic Physical Interactions dataset. The red dashed line highlights an LGR of 0.04, the black dashed line indicates a max lnQ of 2.99 (q = 0.05). F Negative max lnQ values were plotted against mean LGRs to identify replicate inconsitencies in the Nop10 Synthetic Physical Interactions dataset. The data points labelled a to f, most with low max − lnQ values, are analysed in the next panel. G Selected growth defects (a to e from panel F) with a low max − lnQ value show inconsitencies in colony sizes on plate and 2 of them were identified as false-positive growth defects according to Berry and colleagues [12]. H Exclusion based on low max − lnQ values reduced the number of false-positive growth defects

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