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Table 1 SEAseq quality metrics performed and their definitions

From: SEAseq: a portable and cloud-based chromatin occupancy analysis suite

Quality metric


Aligned percent

Percentage of mapped reads

Base quality

Per-base sequence quality distribution

Estimated fragment width

Average fragment size of the peak distribution

Estimated tag length

Sequencing read length

Fraction of reads in peaks (FRiP)

The fraction of reads within coverage-enriched regions

Linear stitched peaks (enhancers)

Total number of clustered enriched regions

Non-redundant fraction (NRF)

Fraction of uniquely mapped sequencing reads

Normalized peaksa

Peaks identified after input/control correction

Normalized strand-correlation coefficient (NSC)

The ratio of the maximum cross-correlation value divided by the background cross-correction

Sequence diversity

Sequence overrepresentation; if reads/sequences are overrepresented in the library

PCR bottleneck coefficient (PBC)

It is a measure of library complexity determined by the fraction of genomic locations with exactly one unique read versus those covered by at least one unique read


Total number of enriched regions (peaks)

Raw reads

Total number of sequencing reads

Read lengthb

Average FASTQ read length

Relative strand-correlation coefficient (RSC)

A strand cross-correlation ratio between the fragment-length cross-correlation and the read-length peak

SE-like enriched regions (super enhancers)

Total number of SE-like clustered enriched regions

Overall quality

Average score rank of all metrics calculated

  1. aApplicable when input/control is provided
  2. bApplicable if multiple FASTQs are inputted