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Fig. 5 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 5

From: Study on the prognosis, immune and drug resistance of m6A-related genes in lung cancer

Fig. 5

The association between m6A-related genes and methylation and the role of m6A-related genes in cancer-related pathways. A Methylation difference between tumor and normal samples in LUAD and LUSC. B Spearman Correlation Coefficient of methylation and gene expression in LUAD and LUSC. C Overall survival difference between hypermethylation and hypomethylation in LUSC. D Global percentage of activity of m6A-related gene pathway in LUAD and LUSC. A represents Activate, while I represents Inhibit. E Interaction map of m6A-related genes and pathway in LUAD and LUSC. Solid line represents activation, while dotted line means inhibition. F Pie percentage of activity of m6A-related gene pathway in LUAD and LUSC. Red part means activation, while green part represents inhibition

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