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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: SVhound: detection of regions that harbor yet undetected structural variation

Fig. 2

A Genome wide distribution of \(p_{new}\) for the 2504 genomes (100 kbp window) from the 1KGP data set. Red dots show the 188 candidate windows (\(p_{new} \ge 0.34\%\)) along the 22 human autosomes (hg19), gray/black (alternating shades by chromosome) dots display the \(p_{new}\) for the remaining windows. Note the window on chromosome 15 with a \(p_{new} = 25.77\%\), contains two olfactory receptor proteins, four olfactory receptor pseudogenes, multiple CNVs and an LINE1 insertion. B Distribution of 468 candidate windows when decomposing the 1KGP data set into the five super-population: African, AFR; Admixed American, AMR; European, EUR; East Asian EAS; South Asian, SAS. The black dots below each bar display the occurrences of the candidate windows in each population. Ancestry specific windows, i.e. present in one population are blue, ubiquitous windows are red

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