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Fig. 6 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 6

From: Reconstructing gene regulatory networks of biological function using differential equations of multilayer perceptrons

Fig. 6

the activin/gsc/Xbra system. The Activin gene was activated by the input signal of morphogenetic gradient (Bcd), so it began to imitate its gradient mode. The Activin gene activated Xbra gene and opened the positive feedback of Xbra gene at a certain threshold. The Activin gene activates the Goosecold gene, and when the concentration of the two genes accumulates high enough, it forces the Xbra gene down. However, the concentration is highest only on the left side, when the concentration of Goosecold gene is low and its inhibitory effect is low, so that Xbra gene reaches a stable state

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