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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: scCapsNet-mask: an updated version of scCapsNet with extended applicability in functional analysis related to scRNA-seq data

Fig. 2

The overall average coupling coefficients show that mask leads to the one-to-one correspondence between primary capsules and type capsules. A, B The overall average coupling coefficients (overall heatmap) generated by scCapsNet-mask, which contains the effective type capsule row in each of the average coupling coefficients in the mRBC A or human kidney B dataset. The overall average coupling coefficients show that applying the mask leads to a one-to-one correspondence between primary capsules and type capsules. C, D The overall average coupling coefficient generated by scCapsNet without mask, which contains the effective type capsule row in each of the average coupling coefficients in the mRBC C or human kidney D dataset. The overall average coupling coefficients show that the lack of mask will lead to one-to-many and many-to-one correspondences between primary capsules and type capsules

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