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Table 5 Features selected from the ADNI dataset by the best models using data-driven thresholding

From: Ensemble feature selection with data-driven thresholding for Alzheimer's disease biomarker discovery

ADNI feature descriptions

AD biomarker evidence

Mini Mental State Exam score (MMSE)

Designed to identify dementia [51]

Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) score

Often used to determine the cognitive function of an individual [60]

Status of the epsilon 4 allele of the APOE gene

Increases the risk of late-onset AD [11]

42-amino-acid-long beta amyloid peptide (abeta42) level in CSF

Thought to be a biomarker for AD [61]

Plasma neurofilament light level

Increased concentrations of CSF and plasma levels of the neurofilament light chain have been identified as potential biomarkers of AD [62] [63]

CSF neurofilament light level

CSF tau level

The presence of tau and phosphorylated tau in CSF accurately detects Alzheimer's disease pathology [64]

CSF phosphorylated tau level

Neuropsychiatric Inventory – total score

Can be used to detect behavioural changes in AD [65]

CSF neurogranin concentration

Patients with AD show an increase in CSF neurogranin concentration and this is not seen in other neuro- degenerative diseases [66]

Geriatric depression scale – total score

Depression has been linked to AD and cognitive decline [67]

Percentage of neutrophils

People with AD have a higher blood neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR), a marker of inflammation, than healthy controls [68]