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Table 4 Different and common points between Iggy and MajS

From: Predicting weighted unobserved nodes in a regulatory network using answer set programming




Instance (input)

\(\bullet\) An interaction graph,

whose edges are directed and labelled as activation or inhibition.

\(\bullet\) A list of discrete observa- tions on some IG nodes.

\(\bullet\) An interaction graph,

whose edges are directed and labelled as activation or inhibition.

\(\bullet\) A list of discrete observa- tions on some IG nodes.

Search space/ Guess

\(\bullet\) Depends on node, sign \(\in\)

{“ − ”, “0”, “ \(+\) ”} (3\(^{|V|})\)

\(\bullet\) 1-influence repair added by


\(\bullet\) Depends on node, sign \(\in\)

{“ − ”, “0”, “ \(+\) ”} , weight

\(\in\) [0, 100] (3\(^{|V|} \times 101^{|V|})\)

\(\bullet\) K-influences repair added

by node

Logical rules

\(\bullet\) Experimental observation

signs are kept.

\(\bullet\) A node signed as “0” must receive only one influence signed as “0” or at least one “\(+\)” and one “−” in- fluence.

\(\bullet\) A signed node must be jus- tified by at least one signed influence.

\(\bullet\) Experimental observation

signs are kept.

\(\bullet\) A node is signed “0” ei- ther if it only receives 0- influences or the same pro- portion of signed “ −”, “ \(+\) ” influences.

\(\bullet\) A node is signed following the majority sign from all its received influences.


\(\bullet\) Minimise the number of

added repairs

\(\bullet\) Minimise the number of

added repairs

Projection (predicted nodes)

\(\bullet\) Six levels of possible pre- diction:

1 -

2 notPlus (-, 0)

3 0

4 notMinus (0, \(+)\)

5 \(+\)

6 CHANGE (\(+\), -)

\(\bullet\) Majoritarian sign

\(\bullet\) Statistical information on the weight distribution (average, standard devia- tion)