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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: A systematic comparison of human mitochondrial genome assembly tools

Fig. 2

Performance metrics of all the mitochondrial assemblers with simulated data as the input data. A Box and Swarm Plots showing the peak CPU usage (1 Thread = 100%) for all the assemblers at various input data sizes and the number of threads. The plot shows variation in the peak CPU usage with the number of threads specified. B Box and Swarm plots of each assembler's average CPU usage. The plots clearly show a difference between mean and peak CPU usage, indicating that the assemblers do not use all of the threads provided by the user throughout the entire run. C Box and Swarm Plots showing the peak memory usage for all the assemblers at various input data sizes and the number of threads. An increase in the RAM requirement can be seen with the increment in the input data size. Additional file 2: Table S1 provides detailed information on the computational resources used by each tool for simulated datasets

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