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Fig. 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 1

From: KidneyGPS: a user-friendly web application to help prioritize kidney function genes and variants based on evidence from genome-wide association studies

Fig. 1

The 594 eGFR signals by strength of statistical support of pinpointing the likely causal variants. The 594 independent eGFR association signals were separated by size of their 99% credible set, stating the number of signals and number of variants in the corresponding 99% credible sets. In the 3rd row, we distinguished signals further by the highest PPA of a variant in a set: (i) one variant in the credible set (i.e. > 99% PPA, light green), (ii) at least one variant with PPA 50%-99% (dark green), or (iii) small credible set with all variants’ PPA < 50% (turquoise). Blue and turquoise boxes under dark green boxes contain the remaining variants in signals with one high PPA variant. The last row shows the number of respective variants that were mapped to a gene (protein-relevant or eQTL/sQTL in kidney tissue), also stating the number of mapped genes and number of signals with at least one credible set variant mapped to a gene

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