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Fig. 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 1

From: CrMP-Sol database: classification, bioinformatic analyses and comparison of cancer-related membrane proteins and their water-soluble variant designs

Fig. 1

Spatial distribution of cancer-related membrane proteins in 3D-space based on TF-IDF analysis on their functional descriptions with UMAP dimension reduction algorithm. A The interactive interface with all proteins shown. B The interface showing only receptor proteins. C The interface highlighting receptor proteins related to glioma cancer. D The interface highlighting receptor and enzyme proteins related to glioma and liver cancer. E The EPHA7 datapoint resides in close proximity of receptors associated with glioma (purple halo). F The LPCAT1 datapoint resides closely to enzymes that are associated with liver cancer (yellow halo). G The CERS3 datapoint resides in a pocket formed by proteins associated with glioma (purple halo), liver cancer (yellow halo), or both (dual halo). H The SLC34A2 data point resides near transporters that are associated with liver cancer (yellow halo)

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