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Fig. 4 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 4

From: A novel approach toward optimal workflow selection for DNA methylation biomarker discovery

Fig. 4

Guideline for selecting the best combination of steps towards DMP finding based on the F1 score. Twelve simulation scenarios were developed that varied in sample size (small or large), simulation target tissue (breast-large tissue difference or CD8-small tissue difference), and the number of altered probes (small, medium, or large). A Normalization, batch effect correction, and four DMP finding tools were considered. The different input characteristics are represented by color and for each of them, the best pipeline can be selected by looking at the diagram. B In each scenario, the F1-score improves when using the guideline compared to the average F1-score of all possible pipelines. In each input scenario, the bar label indicates the enhancement percentage

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