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Fig.4 | BMC Bioinformatics


From: MIWE: detecting the critical states of complex biological systems by the mutual information weighted entropy


TFs regulation and related enrichment analysis. A TFs modulated 74% of signaling genes identified by GSE67310 critical point. B TFs modulated 86% of signaling genes identified by GSE79578 critical point. Regulatory network of C CREB1, D CREB3. E CREB1 and its regulated signaling genes participate in significant biological processes and KEGG pathways. The outer ring's left side signifies the signaling genes identified by MIWE, while the right side represents the diverse biological processes associated with these genes. The inner ring depicts various enrichment pathways, with connection color and width indicating different levels of gene function significance. F CREB3 and its regulated signaling genes participate in significant biological processes and KEGG pathways

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