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Volume 13 Supplement 8

Highlights of the 1st IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis 2011)


Edited by Jessie Kennedy and Jos Roerdink

BioVis 2011 was sponsored by the IEEE VGTC and IEEE TCCLS. BioVis 2011 is affiliated with the ISCB and in-cooperation with the ACM SIG Bioinformatics.

1st IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis 2011). Go to conference site.

Providence, RI, USA23-24 October 2011

  1. In the search for single-nucleotide polymorphisms which influence the observable phenotype, genome wide association studies have become an important technique for the identification of associations between gen...

    Authors: Julian Heinrich, Corinna Vehlow, Florian Battke, Günter Jäger, Daniel Weiskopf and Kay Nieselt
    Citation: BMC Bioinformatics 2012 13(Suppl 8):S2
  2. Rule-based modeling (RBM) is a powerful and increasingly popular approach to modeling cell signaling networks. However, novel visual tools are needed in order to make RBM accessible to a broad range of users, ...

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    Citation: BMC Bioinformatics 2012 13(Suppl 8):S3
  3. We present HiTSEE (High-Throughput Screening Exploration Environment), a visualization tool for the analysis of large chemical screens used to examine biochemical processes. The tool supports the investigation...

    Authors: Hendrik Strobelt, Enrico Bertini, Joachim Braun, Oliver Deussen, Ulrich Groth, Thomas U Mayer and Dorit Merhof
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  4. One of the major goals in biomedical image processing is accurate segmentation of networks embedded in volumetric data sets. Biological networks are composed of a meshwork of thin filaments that span large vol...

    Authors: David Mayerich, Chris Bjornsson, Jonathan Taylor and Badrinath Roysam
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  5. In 2011, the IEEE VisWeek conferences inaugurated a symposium on Biological Data Visualization. Like other domain-oriented Vis symposia, this symposium's purpose was to explore the unique characteristics and r...

    Authors: Christopher W Bartlett, Soo Yeon Cheong, Liping Hou, Jesse Paquette, Pek Yee Lum, Günter Jäger, Florian Battke, Corinna Vehlow, Julian Heinrich, Kay Nieselt, Ryo Sakai, Jan Aerts and William C Ray
    Citation: BMC Bioinformatics 2012 13(Suppl 8):S8

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    Submission to acceptance (median days): 146

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