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AFFECT: an R package for accelerated functional failure time model with error-contaminated survival times and applications to gene expression data
BMC Bioinformatics volume 25, Article number: 265 (2024)
Survival analysis has been used to characterize the time-to-event data. In medical studies, a typical application is to analyze the survival time of specific cancers by using high-dimensional gene expressions. The main challenges include the involvement of non-informaive gene expressions and possibly nonlinear relationship between survival time and gene expressions. Moreover, due to possibly imprecise data collection or wrong record, measurement error might be ubiquitous in the survival time and its censoring status. Ignoring measurement error effects may incur biased estimator and wrong conclusion.
To tackle those challenges and derive a reliable estimation with efficiently computational implementation, we develop the R package AFFECT, which is referred to Accelerated Functional Failure time model with Error-Contaminated survival Times.
This package aims to correct for measurement error effects in survival times and implements a boosting algorithm under corrected data to determine informative gene expressions as well as derive the corresponding nonlinear functions.
Survival analysis has been a useful tool to analyze time-to-event data. In applications of medical studies, researchers are interested in a specific cancer and wish to understand the failure time and survivor pattern of a specific cancer among all observations in a study. Typically, gene expressions from subjects are usually taken as covariates and are used to characterize the time-to-event responses (e.g., [20]). In the framework of survival analysis, the accelerated failure time (AFT) model is one of popular approaches, which is formulated in the parametric setting in most applications (e.g., [16]). In the literature, a large body of methods has been proposed to deal with the AFT model, such as [1, 23], and [36]. However, the covariates are possibly nonlinear with respect to the survival time, then using conventional parametric AFT models may incur model misspecification. To relax the linear constraint, nonparametric approaches should be taken into account to address the nonlinear estimation between the survival time and the covariates. In recent years, a boosting method, one of statistical learning approaches, has been popular to address nonparametric estimation. The basic idea is to fit base learner many times on reweighed data to boost the performance, and the final estimator is formed by the linear combination of the multiple estimates. In the framework of survival analysis, several approaches have been proposed under various models, such as [3, 10, 12, 18, 19, 33].
The other challenging feature in datasets is measurement error, which indicates that the observed variables do not reflect what they should be. In applications, this phenomenon is usually caused by imprecise data collection or wrong records. In the existing literature, measurement error in covariates has been widely discussed and a large body of methods has been developed (e.g., [5,6,7,8]). However, as discussed in [25], the survival time might be subject to measurement error. To address this issue, [25] proposed the regression calibration method to correct for measurement error effects and developed the raking method to derive the estimator. However, their approach might ignore possibly misclassified censoring status and cannot be used to address nonlinear functions between the survival time and covariates.
From the perspective of the computational implementation, some R packages have been developed to fit the AFT model, including aftgee [13], penAFT [22], spsurv [26], and survival [29]. However, those approaches considered the simplest scenario without measurement error and nonlinear effects on covariates taken into account. In contrast, to deal with the complex structures, some R packages have been available to deal with either nonlinear functions or measurement error effects but not both. For example, the R packages [17, 24, 34], and [37] are used to deal with measurement error in covariates. However, those approaches rely on linear predictors, and except for [34], most packages can not handle survival outcome. On the other hand, the R packages [2, 11], and [32] implement boosting methods to deal with estimation of nonlinear functions, but they are not able to handle measurement error effects. With variable selection and measurement error effects taken into account simultaneously, [9] developed the R package SIMEXBoost. However, this package primarily focuses on parametric models and measurement error in covariates. To the best of our knowledge, rare computational software has been available to address nonlinear estimation and measurement error in the survival time under the survival model.
Consequently, to tackle those challenges simultaneously and provide potential users a conveniently computational implementation to derive a reliable estimate, we develop the R package AFFECT, which refers to Accelerated Functional Failure time model with Error-Contaminated survival Times. Here "functional" reflects nonlinear functions between the failure time and the covariates. We aim to correct for measurement error effects in the survival time and then employ the boosting algorithm to identify potentially important covariates and estimate their corresponding unknown functions. In the literature, a recent work [3] also considered the AFT model with nonlinear functions on covariates, but their approach is different from ours. For example, [3] primarily derived the likelihood function under the given distribution for the noise term in the AFT model and then applied the package xgboost [11] to obtain the estimator; on the other hand, the package AFFECT is based on the estimation function derived by the Buckley-James method, which is different from [3] and does not require to specify the distribution of the noise term. In addition, the other obvious feature is that the package AFFECT is able to deal with measurement error effects but [3] does not take measurement error effects into account.
The remainder is organized as follows. In the section "Data structure and regression models", we introduce the data structure and relevant regression models. In the section "Methodology", we outline the estimation steps and the algorithm to derive the estimator. In the section "Illustration of the package AFFECT", we introduce the R package AFFECT, including the functions, the arguments, and the outputs. In the section "Simulation studies", we conduct simulation studies to assess the performance of the method in the package. In the section "Analysis of gene expression data", we apply the package to analyze a gene expression dataset. Finally, a general discussion is summarized in the section "Conclusion".
Data structure and regression models
Survival data
Let n denote the sample size. For subject \(i=1,...,n\), let \(\widetilde{T_{i}}\) and \(\widetilde{C}_{i}\) be the non-negative failure and the censoring times of a specific cancer, respectively. Due to the purpose of analysis, we consider the log transformation: \(T_{i}\triangleq \log (\widetilde{T}_{i})\) and \(C_{i}\triangleq \log (\widetilde{C}_{i})\). Based on \(T_{i}\) and \(C_{i}\), define \(Y_i \triangleq \min \{T_i,C_i\}\) as the observed survival time and denote \(\delta _i\triangleq \mathbb {I}(T_i<C_i)\) as the censoring indicator, where \(\mathbb {I}(\cdot )\) is an indicator function. Moreover, let \({\textbf {X}}_{i} = (X_{i1},X_{i2},...,X_{ip})^{\top }\) be a p-dimensional vector of covariates or gene expressions. We impose the standard assumption that \(T_{i}\) and \(C_{i}\) are independent, given \({\textbf {X}}_{i}\). Therefore, a typical survival data structure is given by \(\left\{ (Y_{i},\delta _{i},{\textbf {X}}_{i}):i=1,2,...,n\right\}\).
The main interest in survival analysis is to characterize the relationship between the failure time and covariates. In our development, we consider the following accelerated failure time (AFT) model:
where \(\varepsilon _{i}\) is the noise term with \(E(\varepsilon _{i})=0\) and has an unknown survivor function \(S_\varepsilon (\cdot )\), and \(f_{j}\in \mathcal {F}\) is a unknown function of interest with \(\mathcal {F}\) being a class of continuous smooth functions. (1) shows that, among all p gene expressions, there are only q gene expressions informative to the failure time, where q is a positive integer and is smaller than p.
Ideally, if \(T_{i}\) is fully observed for all \(i=1,...,n\), then one can consider the following least squares function
and \(F(\cdot )\) can then be estimated by minimizing (2) via some nonparametric methods. However, in the presence of right-censoring, \(T_{i}\) is incomplete and one has \(Y_{i}\) in the dataset. Directly using \(Y_{i}\) in (2) may lead to biased estimator of \(F(\cdot )\). Moreover, the other challenge is that dimension p in the gene expression data is usually larger than q, yielding that most gene expressions are possibly non-informative to the time-to-event response. As a result, detecting informative gene expressions is a crucial issue as well.
Measurement error models
In addition to the challenge from the complex regression model, measurement error is the other challenging and ubiquitous feature from the dataset, which is usually caused by imprecise measurement or wrong record. While we cannot examine whether variables are contaminated by measurement error, the key spirit is that we relax an “implicit” assumption that variables in the dataset are precisely measured. In most situations, measurement error in covariates has been widely explored. As commented by [25], however, survival times and censoring status are also possibly subject to measurement error. Specifically, let \(Y_{i}^{*}\) and \(\delta _{i}^{*}\) denote the surrogate version of unobserved survival time \(Y_{i}\) and censoring status \(\delta _{i}\), respectively.
First, to characterize the error-prone survival time \(Y_{i}^{*}\) and the unobserved survival time \(Y_i\), we modify the classical additive measurement error model (e.g.,[4, 35]) and follow an idea in [25] to consider the following measurement error model:
where \(\eta _{i}\) is assumed to follow a distribution with \(E(\eta _{i})=0\) and \(\text {var}(\eta _i) = \sigma _\eta ^2\), and is independent of \({\textbf {X}}_{i}\), \(\gamma _{0}\) and \(\varvec{\gamma }_1\) are parameters.
Next, to characterize the misclassified censoring status, we let \(\pi _{ikl} = P(\delta ^{*}_{i} = k|\delta _{i} = l,{\textbf {X}}_{i})\) denote the conditional probability that links the observed censoring status k with the covariates and the unobserved censoring status l for \(k, l \in \{0,1\}\). By the law of total probability, one can express two probabilities \(P(\delta _{i}^{*}=1|{\textbf {X}}_{i})\) and \(P(\delta _{i}^{*}=0|{\textbf {X}}_{i})\) as
with \(\varvec{\Pi }_{i}=\begin{bmatrix} \pi _{i11}&{}\pi _{i10}\\ \pi _{i01}&{}\pi _{i00}\\ \end{bmatrix}\) being a \(2 \times 2\) misclassification matrix. Moreover, as commented by [35] (Ch8), we impose the non-differentiable mechanism, which says that
for \(k, l \in \{0,1\}\). As a result, in the following development, we will take (5) in our inference procedure. From now on, we respectively replace \(\pi _{ikl}\) and \(\varvec{\Pi }_i\) by \(\pi _{kl}\) and \(\varvec{\Pi }\) with the subscript i removed due to the assumption (5) and the independence of subject i.
Noting that parameters \(\gamma _{0}\) and \(\varvec{\gamma }_1\) in (3) as well as \(\varvec{\Pi }\) (4) are usually unknown in applications. If the auxiliary information, such as the validation data, is available, then those parameters in (3) and (4) can be estimated. Otherwise, one may require prior knowledge and past experience for parameters \(\gamma _{0}\), \(\varvec{\gamma }_1\), and \(\varvec{\Pi }\) or conduct sensitivity analyses, where the latter approach says that one can specify various values for those unknown parameters based on background knowledge or under reasonable ranges to examine the impact of different magnitudes of measurement error effects and see whether the estimation method is robust with the change of parameter values in (3) and (4).
Overview of the estimation procedure
In the presence of measurement error, the observed data are given by \(\mathcal {D}^*\triangleq \left\{ \{ Y_i^*, \delta _i^*, {\textbf {X}}_i \}: i=1,\cdots ,n \right\}\), and the goal is to estimate \(F(\cdot )\) under the model (1). To tackle the challenges of measurement error and estimation of nonlinear functions, we propose the strategy that is summarized in Fig. 1.
According to the workflow in Fig. 1, we are first given a collected dataset \(\mathcal {D}^*\) with relaxing an implicit assumption that the survival time in dataset is precisely measured, and we characterize error-prone survival data and the censoring status by two measurement error models (3) and (4), respectively. The next step in Fig. 1 is to correct for measurement error effects. We adopt the regression calibration method to create the corrected survival time, and employ the insertion method to obtain the corrected censoring status. Detailed discussions are deferred to the subsection "Correction of measurement error effects".
After correcting for measurement error effects, we then adopt the corrected survival time and censoring status to the boosting procedure, as shown in the last step in Fig. 1. To address the censoring effect, we employ the Buckley-James (BJ) estimator to create a corrected and pseudo response, such that its expectation can be recovered to the expectation of the failure time. Based on the corrected BJ response, we implement the boosting algorithm with the cubic spline estimation being the base learner. Through finite iterations, the potentially informative gene expressions as well as their estimated functions can be obtained simultaneously. Detailed descriptions are summarized in the subsection "Boosting for estimation of nonlinear functions".
Correction of measurement error effects
To correct for error-prone survival time, we first observe from (3) and take the conditional expectation, given \({\textbf {X}}_{i}\), to obtain that
which implies that \(Y_{i}^{*}-E(\varvec{\omega }_{i}|{\textbf {X}}_{i})\) can be used to recover \(Y_{i}\) since they have the same expectation. To deal with the conditional expectation \(E(\varvec{\omega }_{i}|{\textbf {X}}_{i})\), we adopt regression calibration [5], which is given by
where \(\varvec{\mu }_{\omega }\) is the expectation of \(\varvec{\omega }_{i}\), \(\varvec{\Sigma }_{\omega {\textbf {X}}}\) is the covariance matrix of \(\varvec{\omega }_{i}\) and \({\textbf {X}}_{i}\), \(\varvec{\Sigma }_{{\textbf {X}}{\textbf {X}}}\) is the covariance matrix of \({\textbf {X}}_{i}\), and \(\varvec{\mu }_{{\textbf {X}}}\) is the expectation of \({\textbf {X}}_{i}\). When \(\varvec{\mu }_{\omega }\), \(\varvec{\Sigma }_{\omega {\textbf {X}}}\), \(\varvec{\Sigma }_{{\textbf {X}}{\textbf {X}}}\) and \(\varvec{\mu }_{{\textbf {X}}}\) are estimated empirically, then (7) can be estimated by \(\widehat{E(\varvec{\omega }_{i}|{\textbf {X}}_{i})}\), yielding the “corrected” survival time
The validity of (8) can be justified by [25].
Next, we deal with measurement error in the censoring status. Provided that \(\varvec{\Pi }\) is invertible, (4) can be re-written as
which gives that
Thus, the “corrected” censoring indicator status is defined as
which satisfies \(E(\widehat{\delta _{i}}|{\textbf {X}}_{i})=E(\delta _{i}|{\textbf {X}}_{i})\). Therefore, (8) and (10) give the “corrected” survival data \(\mathcal {D}\triangleq \left\{ (\widehat{Y_{i}},\widehat{\delta _{i}},{\textbf {X}}_{i}):i=1,2,...,n\right\}\).
Boosting for estimation of nonlinear functions
Given the corrected dataset \(\mathcal {D}\), we present the boosting procedure that is summarized as the pseudo code in Algorithm 1.
Specifically, to adjust the censoring effect in the survival time, we implement the BJ estimator in (11) under the corrected data \(\mathcal {D}\). To implement the boosting method and estimate \(F(\cdot )\), we first set zero as the initial value for the function \(F(\cdot )\). In each iteration, we take the cubic spline estimation as the weak learner for each covariate and select an index of the gene expression \(j^*\) that satisfies the smallest square error loss (12). Here the cubic spline estimation can be computed by the function smooth.spline in the existing R package stats [29]. After that, we compute the increment and update the estimated function in Steps 3 and 4, respectively. Finally, we continue the computations in Steps 1-4 with K times repetitions, and we can derive the final estimator \(\widehat{F}(\cdot )\) and a set \(\mathcal {S}^{(K)}\) containing all informative gene expressions.
Illustration of the package AFFECT
To make the implementation of Algorithm 1 available for public use, we develop the R package AFFECT. Two functions in this package are used to implement the estimation method in section "Methodology". The first function ME_correction is used to do correction for error-prone response and misclassified censoring status, and the second function Boosting is used to estimate the function \(F(\cdot )\) under the model (1).
This function aims to correct for measurement error in the survival time and misclassification in the censoring status. The key strategy in the function ME_correction includes regression calibration (8) for survival time under the model (3) and the unbiased conditional expectation approach for censoring status (10) under (4). With information of parameters in measurement error models implemented, this function will give outputs with corrected survival time and censoring status.
The implementation of ME_correction is given by
where the arguments include
pi_10: Misclassifcation probability \(\pi _{i10}\) in (5).
pi_01: Misclassifcation probability \(\pi _{i01}\) in (5).
gamma0: A scalar \(\gamma _{0}\) in the model (3).
gamma1: A p-dimensional vector \(\varvec{\gamma }_{\text {1}}\) in the model (3).
cor_covar: A \(p \times p\) covariance matrix of a p-dimensional vector of covariates.
indicator: A n-dimensional vector of censoring status.
yast: A n-dimensional vector of survival times.
covariate: A \(n \times p\) matrix of covariates.
The first two arguments pi_10 and pi_01 refer to misclassification probabilities in (4) for characterizing misclassified censoring status. The middle three arguments gamma0, gamma1, and cor_covar are parameters in the measurement error model (3) for error-prone survival time. Finally, the last three arguments indicator, yast, and covariate are observed censoring status, survival time, and covariates, respectively. The function ME_correction provides a flexible implementation. If one believes that censoring status or survival time is free of measurement error, then arguments can be specified as \(\texttt {pi\_10} = \texttt {pi\_01} = 0\) or \(\texttt {gamma0} = \texttt {gamma1} = \texttt {cor\_covar} = 0\). Given those arguments, the function provides the corrected survival time and the corrected censoring status, which are given by
correction_data: A \(n \times 2\) data frame. This first column is the corrected survival time, and the second column is the corrected censoring indicator.
With the function smooth.spline in existing R package stats [29] equipped, the function Boosting aims to implement Algorithm 1 to select informative covariates under the model (1) and estimate their corresponding functional forms with survival time. The implementation of Boosting is given by
where the arguments include
data:A \(n \times (p+2)\) dimension of data. The first column is survival time, the second column is censoring status, and the other columns are covariates.
iter: The number of iterations K in Algorithm 1. The default value is 50 and the iteration will stop when the absolute value of increment of every estimated value is small than 0.01.
The first argument data is a dataset \(\mathcal {D}\) with the first and second columns being the survival time and the censoring status, respectively, and the remaining columns are gene expressions. iter is a user-specific iteration number. If users do not input the value to the argument iter, then the algorithm will automatically run 50 iterations. On the other hand, larger value of iter may incur longer computation time. In this case, the function Boosting can make iteration stop early if the criterion
is satisfied, where \(F^{(k)}({\textbf {X}}_{i})\) is the updated function at the kth step, \(\Vert F({\textbf {x}})\Vert _\infty \triangleq \max \limits _{i=1,\cdots ,n} |F(x_i)|\) is the infinity norm, and \(\tau\) is a threshold value, which is specified as 0.01 in this function.
This function gives us the following outcome:
results: A list that contains the informative covariates with respect to the failure time ($covariates) and their corresponding estimated functional curves ($function_forms). In addition, predicted failure time based on (1) as well as the estimated survivor curve are provided by using $predict_failure_time and $survival_curve, respectively.
Simulation studies
In this section, we conduct simulation studies to assess the performance of the proposed method and demonstrate the implementation of the package AFFECT.
Simulation setup
Let \(n=400\) denote the sample size, and let \(p=3, 10, 100\) denote the dimension of covariates. For \(i=1,...,n\) and \(j=1,...,p\), we independently generate the covariates \(X_{ij}\) from the uniform distribution with an interval \([-1,1]\). Given \(\textbf{X}_{i}=(X_{i1},...,X_{ip})^{\top }\), we independently generate \(\varepsilon _{i}\) from the standard normal distribution N(0, 1), and use (1) to independently generate \(\widetilde{T}_{i}\) for \(i=1,2,...,n\), where \(q = 3\) is considered and functions \(f_j(\cdot )\) with \(j=1,2,3\) are specified as
When \(p=3\), the model (1) says that all covariates are informative; otherwise, \(F(\cdot )\) reflects that the first three covariates are nonlinearly informative to \(T_{i}\) and the remaining \(p-3\) covariates are irrelevant.
Next, we first generate the censoring status \(\delta _{i}\) for \(i=1,...,n\) by
Given \(\widetilde{T}_{i}\) and \(\delta _{i}\), the survival time is defined as \(Y_{i}=\log \widetilde{T}_{i}\) if \(\delta _{i}=1\) and \(Y_{i} = \log \widetilde{C}_{i}\) if \(\delta _{i}=0\), where the censoring time is defined as \(\widetilde{C}_{i}=\widetilde{T}_{i}-\exp (0.003)\).
Finally, we generate error-prone data by treating \((Y_{i}, \delta _{i})\) as unobserved survival times. For \(i=1,2,...,n\), \(Y_{i}^{*}\) is generated by (3), where \(\gamma _{0}=1\), \(\varvec{\gamma }_{1}=(1, \varvec{0}_{p-1}^{\top })^{\top }\) with \(\varvec{0}_{p}\) being the p-dimensional zero vector, and \(\eta _{i}\) is independently generated by the normal distribution \(N(0,\sigma _\eta ^2)\) with \(\sigma _\eta ^2=0.25,0.5\) and 0.75 reflecting various magnitudes of measurement error effects. For the observed censoring status, we generate \(\delta _{i}^{*}\) by (4) with \(\pi _{10}=\pi _{10}=0.1\) or \(\pi _{10}=\pi _{10}=0.9\). For each simulation setting, we run 100 repetitions. The following programming code demonstrates the data generation:
Simulation results
Given a simulated dataset, we implement the proposed method to estimate \(F(\cdot )\), derive the predicted failure time and estimate the survivor function. The implementation code is summarized as follows:
To see the performance of variable selection, we use \(\#X_{1}, \#X_{2}\) and \(\#X_{3}\) to record the frequency of selecting \(X_{i}\) with \(i=1,2,3\) among the repetition of simulations, and we use \(\mathcal {P}_{a}\) to represent the frequency that variables \(X_{1}\)-\(X_{3}\) are simultaneously selected in each simulation. Numerical results are summarized in Table 1. Meanwhile, for the visualization, we display estimated curves by using the command $function_forms as well as the true functions for \(X_{1}\)-\(X_{3}\) in Fig. 2. In general, all informative covariates \(X_{1}\)-\(X_{3}\) can be selected regardless of values of p and \(\sigma _\eta ^2\). According to the observation in Fig. 2, we can see that the estimation method is able to capture the pattern of the true functions.
In addition, when the nonlinear functions of covariates are estimated, the function Boosting also produces the estimated survivor curve, which is obtained by the command $survival_curve and is displayed in Fig. 3. We can see that the estimated survivor curve is sharply decreasing.
To assess the performance of predicted failure time obtained by the function Boosting, we apply the following commonly used criteria:
The integrated Brier Score (IBS):
$$\begin{aligned} \text {IBS} = \{ y_{\max } \}^{-1} \int _0^{y_{\max }} BS(t) dt, \end{aligned}$$where \(y_{\max } = \max \{\widehat{Y}_i: i = 1,\cdots , n\}\) and
$$\begin{aligned} BS(t) = \frac{1}{n} \sum \limits _{i = 1}^n \Bigg [ \left\{ \widehat{S}(t| {\textbf {X}}_i) \right\} ^2 \mathbb {I}\left( \widehat{Y}_i \le t, \widehat{\delta }_i=1 \right) \frac{1}{\widehat{G}(\widehat{Y}_i)} + \left\{ 1 - \widehat{S}(t| {\textbf {X}}_i) \right\} ^2 \mathbb {I}\left( \widehat{Y}_i > t \right) \frac{1}{\widehat{G}(t)} \Bigg ], \end{aligned}$$where \(\widehat{G}(t)\) is the estimated survivor function for the censoring time and \(\widehat{S}(t| {\textbf {X}}_i)\) is the estimated survivor function of the failure time based on the model (1).
The mean absolute error (MAE):
$$\begin{aligned} \sum \limits _{i: \widehat{\delta }_i=1} \left| \widehat{F}({\textbf {X}}_i) - \widehat{Y}_i\right| . \end{aligned}$$ -
The Concordance index (C-index):
$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\sum \limits _{j<k}\mathbb {I}(\widehat{Y}_j<\widehat{Y}_k)\mathbb {I}(\widehat{F}({\textbf { X}}_j)>\widehat{F}({\textbf {X}}_k))\widehat{\delta }_j + \mathbb {I}(\widehat{Y}_j>\widehat{Y}_k)\mathbb {I}(\widehat{F}({\textbf { X}}_j)<\widehat{F}({\textbf {X}}_k))\widehat{\delta }_k}{\sum \limits _{j<k}\mathbb {I}(\widehat{Y}_j<\widehat{Y}_k)\widehat{\delta }_j + \mathbb {I}(\widehat{Y}_j>\widehat{Y}_k)\widehat{\delta }_k}. \end{aligned}$$
To emphasize the advantage of the package AFFECT under the AFT model, we compare the performance of the package AFFECT with some existing packages: aftgee [13], penAFT [22], spsurv [26], survival [29], and xgboost [11]. After using those packages to obtain the estimators, we then apply the R package SurvMetrics to compute the criteria (a)–(c).
Table 2 reveals that the criteria (a)-(c) obtained by our package give reasonable values for the estimated failure time, suggesting that our estimation method provides satisfactory performance of deriving accurate prediction when the measurement error effects can be corrected. Compared with existing packages, we can see that IBS and MAE values from other packages are greater than ours, and C-index values from other packages are smaller than ours. In addition, the performance of existing packages seems worse as the dimension p becomes large. It might be due to that most existing packages are based on parametric models and may not be valid to address variable selection. While the package xgboost can handle the estimation of nonlinear functions in covariates, it cannot deal with measurement error effects; that is why the performance of [3] is slightly worse than our method, and its biases are induced by measurement error.
Analysis of gene expression data
In this section, our research interest lies on the survival data for the breast cancer, which is the most frequent cancer among women and causes the greatest number of cancer-related deaths among women. The motivating dataset comes from the Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium (METABRIC) database, which was a Canada-UK Project containing targeted sequencing data of primary breast cancer samples and was collected by Cambridge Research Institute and the British Columbia Cancer Centre in Canada [27]. The full dataset and all variables’ names are publicly available on the Kaggle website (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/raghadalharbi/breast-cancer-gene-expression-profiles-metabric). The dataset has 1422 patients with censoring rate 74.965%. In addition, there are 331 gene expressions, which are continuous random variables and are recorded as m-RNA levels Z-score:
In our study, we take a variable “overall_survival_months” as the survival time, which is defined as duration from the time of the intervention to death. In addition, we take “overall_survival” as the censoring status because it reflects whether the patient is alive of dead. Moreover, gene expressions are taken as the covariates and are used to characterize the failure time. However, among 331 gene expressions, it is possible that a few of gene expressions are informative to the failure time, and the relationship between the gene expressions and the failure time is possibly nonlinear. On the other hand, as discussed in the section "Background" and existing literature (e.g., [15, 30]), survival time and the censoring status might be collected with error caused by wrong record or imprecise machines in laboratory. Consequently, taking measurement error effects and estimation of nonlinear functions into account is required.
To tackle the challenges and derive the reliable estimator, we adopt the package AFFECT to analyze this dataset. Since this dataset has no additional information to determine parameters in (3) and (4), to examine the impact of measurement error effects and see the robustness of the estimation result, we conduct sensitivity analyses. In our study, we consider three scenarios: Scenario I for minor effect (\(\sigma _\eta ^2 = 0.15\) and \(\pi _{10} = \pi _{01} = 0.05\)), Scenario II for moderate effect (\(\sigma _\eta ^2 = 0.3\) and \(\pi _{10} = \pi _{01} = 0.1\)), and Scenario III for severe effect (\(\sigma _\eta ^2 = 0.5\) and \(\pi _{10} = \pi _{01} = 0.15\)). For the parameters \(\gamma _0\) and \(\varvec{\gamma }_1\), we specify \(\gamma _0=0\) and \(\varvec{\gamma }_1 = (1, {\textbf {0}}_{330}^\top )^\top\) as demonstrated in our package manual [14], where \({\textbf {0}}_p\) is a p-dimensional zero vector. We first implement those values to the function ME_correction to derive the corrected survival time and censoring status, and then implement them and gene expressions to the function Boosting to obtain the result. The demonstration of the programming code is given below:
The resulting estimated function and selected gene expression are displayed in Fig. 4. With measurement error correction accommodated, analysis results show that a gene expression “ccnd1” (known as Cyclin D1 and labelled as X30) is only selected regardless of different scenarios. The estimated curves of a gene expression “ccnd1” under different scenarios are nonlinear, which shows that the boosting procedure enables us to detect gene expressions with nonlinear relationship to the survival time. Interestingly, “ccnd1” was discussed to have the association with high histopathological grade, high proliferation, and Luminal B subtype (e.g., [21, 31]). Moreover, [28] also pointed out that “ccnd1” was associated with a good breast cancer prognosis. In general, the result shows that the gene expression selected by our package with measurement error correction accommodated is as important as findings in some scientific results, which justifies that taking measurement error into account seems necessary in this data analysis.
With the functions of selected gene expressions estimated, we further estimate survivor curves for the failure time under the AFT model (1), and we display the estimated survivor curves under three different scenarios in Fig. 5. We can see that the estimated curves look smooth and are (almost) strictly decreasing to zero.
Finally, when estimated failure times under the AFT model (1) are obtained, we follow the discussion in the section "Simulation results" to compute C-index, IBS, and MAE, and assess the performance of the estimation methods. In addition to the package AFFECT, we also examine the existing packages listed in the section "Simulation results", and then summarize numerical results in Table 3. We can see that IBS and C-index obtained by the package AFFECT are almost the same regardless of the specification of \(\pi _{10}\), \(\pi _{01}\), and \(\sigma _\eta ^2\), but MAE values become large when measurement error effect is more severe. For the implementation of the existing packages, the package spsurv cannot produce the analysis result; while other packages provide comparable values of MAE and IBS, which are generally greater than values obtained by our package. In addition, the C-index value from our method is greater than values from other packages. This finding is consistent with simulation results in the section "Simulation results", and these results may be incurred by nonlinear functions of informative covariates as well as measurement error effects in survival times simultaneously.
In this paper, we introduce the R package that aims to deal with measurement error in survival times and simultaneously detect important covariates and nonparametrically estimate unknown functions by a boosting procedure. The function smooth.spline in the existing R package stats is only equipped to our package and is used to implement the nonparametric estimation, but the main contribution of our package is to deal with incomplete responses caused by the censoring effects and measurement error in the survival time simultaneously. Those complex features can not be addressed by the existing R packages, such as stats or xgboost. The output produced by the function includes a list of selected covariates and the corresponding estimated functional curves. The visualization enables users to easily see the estimation results. Based on the numerical comparisons with existing packages, we find that the estimation procedure in our package produces reliable estimation results, and it is expected that this package can be widely used to analyze gene expression survival data with measurement error effects accommodated.
From the methodological perspective, we primarily adopt the regression calibration method to adjust measurement error in survival times in our package. While this approach was similar to [25], the difference between our package and existing literature is that we adopt this technique to the AFT model with nonlinear covariates. While the regression calibration method is convenient and useful to correct for measurement error effects, a crucial concern is its application for error-prone covariates, and it simply induces approximately consistent estimator if the nonlinear pattern of covariates is not seriously oscillatory (e.g., [4], Section 4.8.2). It might be interesting to explore alternative correction methods to adjust measurement error in the survival time, and then extend our package and the computational algorithm accordingly.
Availability and requirements
\(\bullet\) Project name: AFFECT \(\bullet\) Project home page: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/AFFECT/index.html\(\bullet\) Programming language: R \(\bullet\) Other requirements: R 3.3.1 or higher \(\bullet\) Operating system(s): Platform independent \(\bullet\) License: GPL-3 \(\bullet\) Any restrictions to use by non-academics: No.
Availability of data and materials
The full dataset is available on the Kaggle website: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/raghadalharbi/breast-cancer-gene-expression-profiles-metabric.
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National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan (L.-P. Chen).
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Chen, LP., Huang, HT. AFFECT: an R package for accelerated functional failure time model with error-contaminated survival times and applications to gene expression data. BMC Bioinformatics 25, 265 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-024-05831-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-024-05831-5