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Integration of probabilistic functional networks without an external Gold Standard
BMC Bioinformatics volume 23, Article number: 302 (2022)
Probabilistic functional integrated networks (PFINs) are designed to aid our understanding of cellular biology and can be used to generate testable hypotheses about protein function. PFINs are generally created by scoring the quality of interaction datasets against a Gold Standard dataset, usually chosen from a separate high-quality data source, prior to their integration. Use of an external Gold Standard has several drawbacks, including data redundancy, data loss and the need for identifier mapping, which can complicate the network build and impact on PFIN performance. Additionally, there typically are no Gold Standard data for non-model organisms.
We describe the development of an integration technique, ssNet, that scores and integrates both high-throughput and low-throughout data from a single source database in a consistent manner without the need for an external Gold Standard dataset. Using data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae we show that ssNet is easier and faster, overcoming the challenges of data redundancy, Gold Standard bias and ID mapping. In addition ssNet results in less loss of data and produces a more complete network.
The ssNet method allows PFINs to be built successfully from a single database, while producing comparable network performance to networks scored using an external Gold Standard source and with reduced data loss.
Probabilistic functional integrated networks (PFINs) are an automated method that combines multiple sources of functional interaction data to produce a single network of interactions each annotated with confidence scores. PFINs allow false positive interactions to be identified by their low confidence scores, avoiding the need for work-intensive manual pre-integration data cleaning. These scores are often calculated by comparison with a high quality “Gold Standard” dataset [1,2,3,4,5]. The performance of any PFIN is dependent upon its component datasets and on the Gold Standard(s) chosen to evaluate them [6]. Integrated network theory relies on the principle that the whole network is greater than the sum of its dataset parts, so as more interaction data are produced, network performance should increase [7]; a PFIN integrated using data from 2010 is expected to perform better than one using data from 2006. However, our previous 2012 study, which investigated PFINs integrated using data from 2006 to 2010, demonstrated that the network performance fluctuated and that careful selection of data and Gold Standard is vital [8], particularly if the network is integrated to study a specific area of biology.
Since 2012 the volume of functional interaction data has increased considerably [9]. While high-throughput (HTP) data produced from largescale screenings have been estimated to have high false positive and false negative rates (up to 91% and 96%, respectively) [1, 10,11,12,13,14,15], the effect of this noise should be mitigated by an increase in less error-prone, targeted low-throughput (LTP) studies. Curated databases are constantly evolving in both content and structure to reflect current biological knowledge [16]. Manual curation has improved the quality of available data by editing or removal when errors and inconsistencies have been identified, and when data are found to be incorrect in light of new studies [17, 18].
Gold Standard data are chosen from a separate high-quality database, commonly manually-curated metabolic pathways [1, 19, 20], for example KEGG [21], or shared biological process [10, 22, 23], for example Gene Ontology [24]. The difference in database source between datasets and Gold Standard presents several challenges to scoring and integration. The Gold Standard may have poor overlap with the datasets to be scored since its focus differs, for instance a metabolic pathway database vs a protein-protein interaction (PPI) database; many PPI datasets may not score at all. Conversely, data redundancy can occur since separate databases may include the same studies, leading to overlap between Gold Standard and datasets, and biased scoring. Identifier format may also differ, requiring potentially error prone mapping between the two sources prior to scoring [25]. In Gold Standards derived from hierarchical annotation schemas, such as Gene Ontology, the choice of which annotation terms to include in the Gold Standard can vastly change the final scores and these schemas are known to have large biases [26].
With the increase in volume of high quality LTP data, for both model and non-model organisms, we hypothesise that these data can be used as a Gold Standard to score the larger HTP studies. Therefore, using functional interaction data from a single curated database, datasets can be scored and integrated without the requirement for an external Gold Standard dataset. Less data will be lost and the challenges of identifier mapping and data redundancy will be removed. Furthermore, since the Gold Standard is considered the highest-quality data, we propose that these data may be integrated into the final network using iterative scoring.
BioGRIDFootnote 1 [27] is one of the most comprehensive manually-curated interaction databases, with excellent coverage of model organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It benefits from a clear data format that facilitates integration of other interaction datasets into analysis pipelines. Here, we extend our 2012 study by analysing the changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae functional interaction data contained in BioGRID and evaluating the performance of PFINs scored using an LTP Gold Standard. We find that the quantity of interaction data has increased to the extent whereby both scoring and integration can be achieved from the data contained in BioGRID alone without the need for an external GoldStandard. We propose a new integration method, ssNET, that incorporates both LTP and HTP data in a consistent manner, and evaluate it using functional prediction.
The network produced in this study is available at https://figshare.com/projects/Yeast_ssNet/114366 and the code for ssNet network generation at https://github.com/kj-intbio/ssnet/.
Data sources
BioGRID archive datasets [27] were downloaded for a fifteen year period at six month intervalsFootnote 2 from the first available version (V17, 2006) to the latest version (V186, 2020). Entrez ID lists for each species were downloaded from the NCBI databaseFootnote 3 [28] (S. cerevisiae 5th June 2020), BioSystems Gold Standard data was downloaded from the NCBI’s FTP serverFootnote 4 (version 20170421). Gene Ontology Gold Standard data and annotation information for evaluation were downloaded from the Gene Ontology ResourceFootnote 5 [24, 29]: the Gene Ontology obo format (23rd March 2020) and annotation mapping files (S. cerevisiae 23rd March 2020) [30].
Dataset scoring and integration
The ssNet method involves a five step scoring and integration (Fig. 1). BioGRID data were first split by PubMed ID into HTP and LTP data based on study size threshold (100 throughout unless otherwise stated) and HTP datasets were treated as separate studies. For consistency dataset names are standardised throughtout the results as [Author].[PubMed ID]. These datasets were then scored using the LTP data as Gold Standard. LTP data were then split into datasets by data type based on the BioGRID experimental codeFootnote 6. Each LTP dataset was scored using the remaining LTP data types as Gold Standard. Finally, the HTP and LTP datasets were integrated.
For comparison both LTP and HTP datasets were scored against three Gold Standards:
BioSystems molecular pathway-dervived Gold Standard in which proteins in the same pathway were considered Gold Standard pairs (MP_GS).
A Gene Ontology biological process-derived Gold Standard in which proteins belonging to processes covering <10% of the genome were considered Gold Standard pairs (BP10_GS).
A Gene Ontology biological process-derived Gold Standard in which proteins belonging to processes with <100 annotations in the yeast genome were considered Gold Standard pairs (BP100_GS).
Confidence scores were calculated using the methods developed by Lee and colleagues [1], which calculates a log-likelihood score for each dataset:
where, P(L|E) and \(\lnot P(L|E)\) represent the frequencies of linkages L observed in a dataset E between genes that are linked and not not linked in the Gold Standard, respectively, and, P(L) and \(\lnot P(L)\) represent the prior expectation of linkages between genes that are linked and not not linked in the Gold Standard, respectively. A score greater than zero indicates that the dataset links pairs of genes present in the Gold Standard with higher scores indicating greater confidence in the data. Datasets that did not have a positive score or that did not score (P(L|E) = 0) were discarded. Datasets scoring infinity due to perfect overlap with the Gold Standard (\(\lnot P(L|E)\) = 0) were given a score of \(\left\lceil {h}\right\rceil +1\), where h is the set of dataset scores.
Scores were then integrated using the Lee method [1]:
where \(L_{1}\) is the highest confidence score and \(L_{n}\) the lowest confidence score of a set of n datasets. The D parameter provides a non-parametric weighting of datasets by their confidence score rankings. At D = 1, dataset are given equal weight regardless of their confidence scores. As D increases above 1, datasets with higher relative confidence are up-weighted. A D-value of 1 was chosen for our initial network builds, while higher D-values were chosen where stated to investigate the effect of D-value choice on network performance. In the resulting network, interactions with multiple lines of high quality evidence have higher scores, while those with little/low quality evidence have lower scores. In HTP-only networks only the scored HTP datasets were integrated.
Networks were clustered using the Markov Clustering Algorithm (MCL) version 14-137 with default inflation value [31]. Networks were visualised in Cytoscape Version 3.7.2 [32] and the Network Analyser plugin version 3.3.2 was used to calculate topological statistics [33]. Functional prediction was carried out using the Maximum Weight decision rule [34] in which annotations were propagated along the highest weighted edge surrounding a protein. Leave-one-out cross-validation of known annotations was carried out for all GO biological process with at least 100 and no more than 1000 annotations in the genome. Automated annotations with the code Inferred from Electronic Annotation (IEA) were excluded from evaluation. The performance of the networks was evaluated using the area under curve (AUC) of Receiver Operator Characteristic curves for each term [35] using the BioConductor ROC package (v 1.62.0) [36].
The error of the AUC was calculated using the standard error of the Wilcoxon statistic SE(W) [35, 37]:
where, \(\theta\) is the AUC, \(C_{p}\) is the number of positive examples, \(C_{n}\) is the number of negative examples and \(Q_{1}\) and \(Q_{2}\) are the probabilities of incorrect annotation assignment as defined by:
LTP data can be used as a Gold Standard to score HTP data quality
PFINs are traditionally integrated after datasets have been scored against an external Gold Standard dataset [1, 19, 20, 22]. Since the use of external data has several drawbacks, we investigated whether the less error-prone low-throughput (LTP) studies are suitable to be used as an internal Gold Standard. We first assessed the changes in BioGRID data for the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae from the first available version (V17, 2006) to the latest available version (V186, 2020). HTP interaction data (defined here as studies ≥ 100 interactions; see "Methods") have increased considerably since our earlier study [8] both in terms of unique proteins and unique interactions between them (Fig. 2A, B). The overlap between HTP and LTP interactions remains relatively low, increasing from 3382 (7.1% of total interactions) at V17 to 16724 interactions at V186 (3.1% of total interactions). While the number of unique proteins fluctuated in earlier versions of BioGRID, their numbers have steadily increased in later years. Protein overlap between HTP and LTP data has also increased from 3377 at V17 to 5016 at V186: 63.8% and 81.5% of total proteins, respectively. Increasing the size threshold for the LTP datasets from 100 interactions had little effect on the percentage overlap between HTP and LTP datasets (Fig. 2C, D).
We constructed an LTP-derived Gold Standard (LTP_GS) and three Gold Standards derived from the metabolic pathways of the BioSystems database [38] (MP_GS) and biological processes of the Gene Ontology [24] (BP10_GS and BP100_GS) for comparison (see "Methods"). An LTP dataset size threshold of < 100 interactions was chosen to maximise the number of unique proteins and unique interactions in the LTP_GS, while minimising the its overall size (Fig. 2C, D). The LTP_GS had greater overlap with HTP data in terms of individual proteins, with ~83% of the total proteins shared (Table 1), in comparison to ~42% for MP_GS, ~81% for BP10_GS and ~73% for BP100_GS. These results suggest that while overlap between LTP and HTP data is low, LTP data has better overlap than an external Gold Standard in terms of nodes, and therefore may provide an improved scoring. The LTP_GS had higher overlap with the HTP datasets than MP_GS in terms of interactions with 3.3% in comparison to 0.2%, but lower overlap than BP10_GS (34.5%) and BP100_GS (7.73%). While the largest Gold Standard, BP10_GS has the highest overlap with the HTP datasets, it’s size—2,947,156 vs 9924 and 384,450 for MP_GS and BP100_GS, respectively—is likely to adversely affect scoring since the prior expectation (P(L); see "Methods") will contain a large number of linkages between proteins with shared biological process that are less likely to directly interact.
When these Gold Standards were used in dataset scoring the majority of scores were higher using the LTP_GS standard in all three cases. The scores also had greater spread, indicating that the LTP_GS provides wider scope to score more diverse datasets (Fig. 3). Datasets may score infinity if they have perfect overlap with the Gold Standard (\(\lnot P(L|E)\) = 0, see "Methods"). No datasets scored infinity using the LTP_GS, in comparison to 10 datasets using MP_GS, 2 using BP10_GS and 1 using BP100_GS (shown in Fig. 3 as a score of 7.0 on the right of the plot).
Datasets may also be lost during scoring if they do not have any overlap with the Gold Standard data (P(L|E) = 0, see "Methods"), or have negative scores. Fewer datasets were lost when scored against the LTP_GS (8 with LTP_GS, 96 with MP_GS, 18 with BP100_GS and 23 with BP10_GS; shown as score 0 in Fig. 3). Since the most recent BioSystems dataset available was April 2017, we also confirmed the difference between LTP_GS and MP_GS using equivalent BioGRID data from 2017 (V150, data not shown). The use of LTP data as for scoring therefore results in less loss of data than using the external Gold Standards.
Four networks were integrated from the V186 HTP datasets scored against the LTP_GS and the MP_GS, BP10_GS and BP100_GS Gold Standards for comparison. The networks were all formed of one connected component, with the LTP_GS network being larger than MP_GS and BP100_GS and having the largest average degree (168 compared to 155 for MP_GS, 167 for BP10_GS and 166 for BP100_GS) (Table 2). The networks all had moderate correlation with the power law [39], possibly a reflection of their content being solely derived from noisy HTP data. The high connectivity of the LTP_GS network was reflected in the clustering output with the network being split into 87 clusters, compared to 220 clusters for the MP_GS-scored network and 169 for BP100_GS. BP10_GS gave the fewest clusters with just 31.
We compared the performance of the networks in prediction of 398 Gene Ontology (GO) biological process terms using leave one out prediction of known annotations measured using area under curve (AUC) of receiver operator characteristic (ROC) plots. The LTP_GS network had improved performance for the majority of GO terms in comparison to MP_GS (Fig. 4A) with 327 terms improved compared to 71. Of the AUC changes 227 were statistically significant with 209 (92%) improved using LTP_GS. Performance was also improved over BP10_GS with 230 terms improved compared to 168 (Fig 4B). Of the changes 114 were significant with 64 (56%) improved using LTP_GS. LTP_GS and BP100_GS had the most similar performance with 105 terms improved for LTP_GS compared to 293 (Fig. 4C). However, only 85 changes were statistically significant and with just 3 (4%) were improved using LTP_GS.
Incorporation of Gold Standard data improves network performance
Since the LTP_GS data are considered the highest-quality, their inclusion in the final network is desirable. We therefore investigated how LTP data could be scored and incorporated into the final integrated network. Since LTP data can be further divided by experimental type [19], we employed an iterative LTP scoring method, ssNet, in which each LTP data type is scored as a single dataset using the remaining LTP types as Gold Standard, before integration of the LTP and HTP dataset scores (see "Methods"). Scores for the 28 LTP datasets were in a higher but overlapping range to those of the HTP datasets (Fig. 5A), while LTP scores using the MP_GS, BP10_GS and BP100_GS Gold Standards did not reflect the higher quality of these datasets (Fig. 5B–D). LTP ssNet scores where also higher in comparison to scores using a the other three Gold Standards (Fig. 6; five LTP datasets that did not score using MP_GS are shown as score 0). Overall, ssNET resulted in less loss of data than the use of external Gold Standards, particularly in terms of dataset loss (Table 3).
We integrated four networks of V186 LTP and HTP data scored using the ssNet, MP_GS , BP10_GS and BP100_GS Gold Standards, for comparison. The ssNet, BP10_GS and BP100_GS networks were formed of one connected component, while MP_GS had a second small component consisting of three proteins. The ssNet network was larger and more tightly connected (Table 4) with >535,000 interactions and all networks had higher correlation with the power law than those based on HTP data alone (Table 2).
We compared the performance of the networks in prediction of 398 Gene Ontology (GO) biological process terms as before. The results were similar to the HTP-only networks with ssNet having improved performance for the majority of GO terms in comparison to MP_GS (Fig. 7A): 325 terms improved compared to 73. Of the AUC changes 127 were statistically significant with 124 (98%) improved using LTP_GS. Performance was not improved over BP10_GS with 128 terms improved compared to 270 and of these changes just 20 were significant with 2 (10%) improved using LTP_GS (Fig. 7B). LTP_GS and BP100_GS had the most similar performance with 102 terms improved for LTP_GS compared to 296. However, only 2 changes were statistically significant both of which were improved using BP100_GS (Fig. 7C).
Finally, we investigated the ssNet network’s performance when integrated using different D-values [see "Methods", Eq. (2)]. In general network performance is better at lower D-values, corresponding to lower up-weighting of higher-scoring datasets (Fig. 8A). However, individual Gene Ontology biological processes have variation in performance with differing optimal D-values (Fig. 8B).
Since PFINS are generally created in order to support or derive new biological hypotheses, it is important to generate networks which are as complete and unbiased as possible [22]. Previous PFIN integration techniques have had several drawbacks due to their reliance on an external Gold Standard for dataset scoring, which may not be available for some species. Experimental datasets will also score differently depending upon the Gold Standard chosen [26, 40]. One popular Gold Standard is the Gene Ontology (GO) [10, 22, 23, 41,42,43]. The use of GO as a Gold Standard presents some problems due to the hierarchical directed acyclic graph (DAG) nature of the database; terms are connected to one another in a parent to child hierarchy, with annotation to a child term automatically implying annotation to all parent terms of that term. Many high level terms, for instance metabolic process (GO:0008152), are too general to imply a realistic functional association [26, 44]. Assuming a functional link based on this term would add noise to the Gold Standard by linking many protein pairs which do not participate in the same cellular process. This problem may be overcome to some extent by ignoring the high-level terms [22, 45]. However, despite GO’s hierarchical nature, the level of a term in the DAG is not necessarily indicative of a term’s specificity [46, 47].
In addition, GO has a number of evidence types with some GO annotations considered more reliable than others [48]. Annotations with the IEA (inferred from electronic annotation) evidence code are considered the least reliable since they are not manually-curated. While the remaining GO annotations are manually-curated, the different evidence types are also thought to differ in their accuracy. In particular, computational evidence codes are generally considered to be less accurate than the experimental codes, and the codes ISS (inferred from sequence or structural similarity), IEP( inferred from expression pattern) and NAS (non-traceable author statement) are considered lower reliability than the other codes of this class [49]. Therefore, the choice of what data to include in a GO-based Gold Standard is highly complex and can affect the final network. In our study we chose two different thresholds based on annotation number which resulted in a similar number of proteins but vastly different number of interactions in the Gold Standard datasets. While these may not be the optimal datasets derived from GO, it is clear from our results that ssNet produces comparable performance to a GO-derived Gold Standard.
Gold Standards from metabolic pathway databases are also commonly used [1, 19, 20]. However, finding a suitable up-to-date metabolic dataset, that has no redundancy with the data to be scored, is hard. Our 2012 study was able to use monthly updates of the KEGG dataset for comparison with monthly updates of BioGRID [8]. However, KEGG is no longer freely-available and, while BioSystems represents a comprehensive collection of metabolic pathways that includes KEGG, it has not been updated since 2017.
While it was not possible to find an ideal metabolic Gold Standard for comparison, it is clear from our results that using a dataset with a different focus than the data to be scored, in this case primary metabolic interactions versus experimental interactions, can result in loss of data. Notably, the four LTP yeast data types that did not score using BioSystems (Fig. 6 B)—Positive Genetic, Protein-RNA, Synthetic Haploinsufficiency and Affinity Capture-RNA—were genetic/RNA data types. Similarly, many of the HTP datasets lost due to not scoring against BioSystems (Fig. 3) were genetic interaction types. Of those lost that were physical interaction data, the vast majority had a non-metabolic focus and four were large-scale >2000 interaction datasets [50,51,52,53].
If a network study’s focus is non-metabolic, then a metabolic Gold Standard may not be suitable as relevant datasets may be lost. There were far fewer datasets with no score using ssNET and so fewer potentially-relevant datasets were discarded. Scoring and integration from a single data source in this way gives a far more complete network without bias towards specific data types. Importantly, since the data can be spilt into individual source studies, this method also ensures no redundancy between data and Gold Standard, which may bias the network.
A metabolic-focused Gold Standard may be desirable if metabolic pathways are the area of interest for downstream analyses, and this is reflected in some of the individual dataset scores. Several datasets scored higher using the metabolic Gold Standard [54,55,56]. However these were relatively small changes, and while some biological process terms also had better prediction using BioSystems, ssNet had comparable performance for all, in addition to the advantages of the computational ease of using a single source. Furthermore, since key external Gold Standards, such as BioSystems, are no longer being maintained, at some point they will no longer be sufficiently up-to-date for use as a Gold Standard.
The single source method also overcomes any need for potentially error prone identifier mapping [25]. Identifier mapping required significant effort during creation of our BioSystems scored networks; although mapping tools were used, some redundancy of identifiers remained that needed time-consuming manual curation. In this case we only counted entrez IDs that could be mapped to gene symbols, however, it should be noted that there were approximately 300 proteins and 1000 interactions that were in the BioSystems dataset and could not be mapped, the majority of which did not overlap with V186 BioGRID data when manually checked. Therefore if ID mapping could have been fully achieved, it would not have improved scoring results. This discrepancy is reflected in the lack of overlap between BioSystems and our source network data.
Yeast remains by far the most complete interaction dataset with data covering almost all of its ~6600 genesFootnote 7 [57]. Data coverage in yeast has levelled off since our initial study [8], in particular the fluctuations in protein coverage seen prior to 2010 are no longer observed, reflecting BioGRID’s efforts to improve and standardise curation methods [9, 58]. Although the overlap in terms of interactions between HTP and LTP data remains relatively low, it still provides enough overlap to allow scoring. While several datasets scored infinity against the BioSystems and GO-derived Gold Standards, very few did so using the LTP data. Infinity scores are hard to deal with since they must be assigned an arbitrary high score (see "Methods"). However, this is not ideal as demonstrated by the scores of the nine datasets in Fig. 3, which have a range of scores using LTP data. By reducing or removing entirely both zero and infinity scores, an LTP-derived Gold Standard produces more accurate scoring and better coverage of the data. Moreover, as network-based analyses move beyond model organisms to non-models [59], which often lack traditional Gold Standard data, an LTP-derived dataset provides the means to intergrate PFINs in more diverse species.
The main disadvantage of many PFINs is that the data considered highest quality is used in scoring and not included in the final network [1, 22]. We used an iterative method to score the LTP data by type, before integration with the HTP datasets. While the LTP scores were generally higher than HTP (Fig. 5A), they are in an overlapping range indicating a difference in quality between the data types, and that they can be integrated without introducing significant bias towards the LTP data.
Interestingly, the functional prediction performance of the ssNet networks did not differ from that of the HTP-only networks to any great extent. However, assessing and comparing networks is not straightforward. Here, we measured the quality of networks by prediction of known annotations to produce a numeric measure of network performance for each biological process. While the network performance at functional prediction was similar, PFIN analyses are often performed in an exploratory manner. The increased connectivity provided by inclusion of the LTP data is likely to be beneficial for other network-based analysis, for instance in clustering and subnetwork analysis [60,61,62].
We chose thresholds based on our previous studies in yeast [8, 19] but it is possible that different values will be more appropriate in other species, in particular the LTP threshold of 100 interactions. There are also other ways to split the data than by PubMed ID; some studies contain both HTP and LTP data and/or more than one data type. For instance large-scale HTP screens may also include LTP confirmation of some interactions [63] and studies may combine different data types [64]. However, the focus of many studies is in itself something that can be harnessed during integration [19], and we believe keeping each study as a single dataset and assessing it as a whole is preferable. Importantly, due to BioGRIDs standardised format other data sources, including unpublished data, can easily be added to the integration as described on the ssNET repositoryFootnote 8.
While the ssNET integration method could be applied using any quality scoring metric, we chose that of Lee and colleagues [1] since it has been used extensively in multiple species [22, 65,66,67,68,69,70,71]. A D-value of 1.0 was used in our yeast network during integration (see "Methods", Equation 2), which produces a sum of the dataset confidence scores. Higher D-values increase the contribution of highest quality datasets to the network, and the optimal D-value is dependent on the area of biology being studied. Producing networks and evaluations at all possible values would produce a vast amount of data, and is future work for further study in yeast and other species. However, we have provided networks, dataset scores and AUCs at multiple D-values (Fig. 8), in order to allow selection of the most appropriate data, method and parameters depending on area of study.
The ssNet method provides a computationally amenable one-step PFIN integration method for functional interaction data which has a number of benefits:
PFINs are generated from a single data source without using an external Gold Standard.
The ssNet PFINs are of a quality that is comparable to that of the external Gold Standard PFINs, and exceeds it by some metrics.
The ssNet PFINs incorporate more information from the data source into the final network than the Gold Standard PFINs, increasing over-all network coverage.
Integration is easier and faster, overcoming the challenges of data redundancy, Gold Standard bias and ID mapping.
The highest quality Gold Standard data can be consistently integrated into the network adding to its quality.
Availability of data and materials
The networks produced in this study are available at https://figshare.com/projects/Yeast_ssNet/114366 and the code for ssNet network generation at https://github.com/kj-intbio/ssnet/.
79% verified; https://www.yeastgenome.org/genomesnapshot on 15th July 2020.
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KJ designed the study and conducted the analyses. KJ and MP wrote the network integration code. KJ, MP, AW, SJC and AA wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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James, K., Alsobhe, A., Cockell, S.J. et al. Integration of probabilistic functional networks without an external Gold Standard. BMC Bioinformatics 23, 302 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-022-04834-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-022-04834-4